Traditional Catholic originated as our local Catholic Book and Gift store: Messenger LLC. Owned and operated by a Traditional and Conservative Catholic family, Messenger has been devoted to the Catholic Church and leading souls to Christ since 2004. We are an actual brick and mortar store, open to the public with physical inventory on hand, and real employees! You are not buying from a large random warehouse. We care about you, your spiritual needs, and the quality of what we are selling.
In June of 2022 We moved into a building Historically named the Judd building in downtown Hays. It is constructed entirely of native limestone and likely built after a fire in 1895 swept this block, this building was built on the site of Tommy Drum's saloon. The property was sold in January 1896 to L. Judd for $1000 and then to Alex E. Bissing in 1913. The building first appears on the 1899 Sanborn map as a General Store. Telephone and City directories list a variety of businesses here: The Classic Store in 1923, The Harkness Pharmacy in 1926, a jewelry store in 1930, a shoe service store in 1938, The Cozy Lunch restaurant in the 1940s, Schlegel's sporting goods store in the 1950s, and Pioneer Photography. These are just some of the businesses that have been inside these walls. And if the walls could talk it would be quite the story! Wild Bill Hickock and some famous lawmen walked these streets. We are enjoying the larger space and the beautiful building. Our children enjoy watching the trains go by!
Our Mission is to uphold the Sacred Tradition and teachings of the Roman Catholic Faith, expose the Truth in a deceptive culture, and be living Messengers Of Christ's Light in a dark world.
Thank You For Your Patronage, We Are Humbled By Your Prayers And Support.
God Love You!
- The Schmeidler Family