Posted by Ieronimus S. & Frank J. Sheed on Apr 17th 2020
Confirmation from the past
Opened this book in Adoration today. Confirmation from the past, courtesy of the holy Catholic apologist Frank Sheed. Many are forgetting what also took place in 1918. The government passed the temporary wartime prohibition act under the guise of aiding the war effort. This eventually led to full prohibition in 1920. It was observed that great evils arose from the over-consumption of alcohol. Their Answer: Ban Alcohol. The disaster of prohibition was just one example of the failure of those in charge to look at men, and understand what man "is". Are we failing to consider what man "is" with the coronavirus pandemic?
From a neglect of the essential nature of man by those who have to handle the social order, two main streams of consequence flow. In the first place there will be social action which, in varying degrees of error, treats man as what he is not. And in the second place when it becomes unavoidably clear that society, in the persons who constitute it, is sick and must be healed, there is no right notion of human wholeness guiding the efforts of the reformers, so that they are forced to go on experimenting more or less in the dark.
Consider one or two ways of treating man as what he is not. Man is a union of matter and spirit, with the power to see reality and to plan his own activities in relation to the reality thus seen. A major dignity of man is that he is responsible; indeed his eternal future depends upon the use he makes of his responsibility. Time and time again in the history of man-kind social orders are to be found which ignore the spiritual element in man and concentrate upon his material well-being, or ignore the responsibility of man and make more and more decisions for him. For almost any misuse of man, there are two successive reactions. Men begin by rebelling but usually pass from rebellion to a dulled acquiescence. The misusing of man is always evil, but it does most harm in the second stage, when men have settled down to it, do not feel oppressed by it, take it so completely for granted that they do not know that they are taking it for granted. At this stage the misuse no longer torments, but devitalizes all the more. Treating any being as what it is not makes it still less completely itself. But vitality is altogether bound up with a thing's being completely itself. Whatever the motive, if a being is diminished, its vitality in them is dried up. If you treat men as though they were bodies only, the spirit is not fed, and undernourishment and devitalization proceed hand in hand.
Because man was made for God, God Built man with certain powers by which he is to take hold of God, and certain needs by which he is moved to the exercise of these powers. Thus the power to adore, and the need to adore, are as truly in the human make-up as the power and the need man has to nourish himself by food -- as truly and much more deeply. They are simply facts. Just as an infant, who has never heard of food, has the power to absorb food, and the need for food, and will certainly perish without it; so every man has the power to adore and the need to adore and will certainly perish if the need is not met. When you have a need as profound as this, and a power as great, they are bound to seek an object. Not knowing God, who is the true Object of their power to adore, men will seek a pseudo-object." Frank J. Sheed, "society and Sanity" 1953