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Doctrina Christiana: The Timeless Catechism of St. Robert Bellarmine

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Doctrina Christiana: The Timeless Catechism of St. Robert Bellarmine

Author: Saint Robert Bellarmine, Translated by Robert Grant

Paraphrasing the words of Saint Paul in the Letter to the Romans 10:14, one could say: How then shall the faithful know Christ when they have not been taught? And how shall they be taught without a good Catechism?

In our time of an enormous and general confusion in matters of Catholic faith we do need urgently a crystal-clear, absolute reliable and at the same time simple Catechetical text. Such a text represents the famous Catechism of Saint Robert Bellarmine, which notwithstanding being written four hundred years ago, remains neverless up to date. -Bishop Athanasius Schneider Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Saint Mary in Astana

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  • 5
    St. Robert Bellarmine Long Catechsm

    Posted by Raymond Eric Zbacnik on Jun 15th 2023

    The Doctrina Christiana of St. Robert Bellarmine, his long catechism approved by Pope Clement VIII in 1598, has never become so important for this time of Our Lady of Fatima and Mount Carmel, this time also of the Loss of the Catholic Faith and appearance of the antichrist. The traditional Feast of St. Robert Bellarmine is 13 May, very appropriate: Former Feast of Martyrs, Mother’s Day in English speaking America, and the day for the first apparition (13 May 1917) of Our Lady of Fatima / Mount Carmel /Sorrows / Rosary. Our Lady of Mount Carmel appeared to English speaking St. Simon Stock on 16 Jul 1251; 16 July is the 197th day of the year: 666 days later (197+666-365-365=133rd day of the year: 13 May; 1251 + 666 years =1917. The catechism has wonderful woodcuts, interesting dialog between student and teacher (clear teaching, not the confusing dialogs of Socrates and students). The Truth is clearly stated with examples explaining the Catholic one true Faith. Since the Time of Mercy has ended: and the Time of Justice has arrived (much more than Climate Change is coming!), this book should be quickly spread throughout the world. AD MAJOREM DEI GLORIAM – donate this catechism to all Jesuits, starting from the top of the hierarchy; all others pay cash. As a Jewish friend told me; Jesus Saves, Jews Invest: so to all, invest in a good book and be Saved!