Incredible Book!
Full color images on every page and filled with her life story, writings, notes, songs, and poems!
"Every man's life is acted out between two great events: his birth and his death. Man has two outlooksl an outlook toward life, and outlook toward death. The pagan world was, for the most part, oppressed with the outlook toward death... After centuries of gloom, Christ was born in a poor stable in Bethlehem. This was a birth, which led to a death, which death was to remove the sting and gloom of death forever after from the the lives of men. This was the good news, from which the practice of Christianity, a seeming paradox of joy and self-denial, sprang." -Sister Wihelmina
The providence of God has always chosen the little and humble to found the strong. So sang Our Blessed Mother in her Magnificat: "He hath put down the mighty from their seat and hath exalted the humble. He hath filled the hungry with good things: and the rich he hath sent empty away." Divine providence chose Christls Cross as the instrument of life for us, His humiliation as our exaltion, and His death as our re-birth. This is the paradox of the Gospel, for the folly of God is far above the wisdom of man.
Fully consonant, therefore, with the story of the Gospel is the story of a little Black nun, born in underprivileged circumstances, who fought to remain faithful to her vows and traditional religious life in a culture of revlution and innovation, who relinquished her beloved religious community after more than fift years, only to assume the travails of a new community in its birth: a little Black nun who persevered in faith with Our Lady at the foot of the Cross of Christ only to share in the mystery of His glorious Ascension.
Sister Wilhelmina's Poem on Vatican II
"The Worst of today's persecution terrors:
The New Mass has many translation errors
That suit the heretic's unbalanced mind,
But how many bishops can anyone find
To outlaw the new mass in their domain?
And to give their people the truth again!
I fear there may be martyrdom ahead;
The modernists want all tradionalists dead;
There's no coexistence of error with truth;
A person's the same, whether aged or youth.
Why Don't bishops teach and
Defend well their flock
From those faithless creatures
Who blashpheme and mock?