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Rendezvous With God By Vincent P. Miceli, S.J.

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Rendezvous With God

Published one day after his death on June 2, 1991, Fr. Vincent Miceli's spiritual masterpiece shows you how to grow closer to our Lord and improve your prayer life. Trained in the old Jesuit tradition, Fr. Miceli leads you through a structured series of Ignatian meditations, explores key aspects of the Faith, and narrates events from the life of Christ with a realism that will inspire you to imitate Him better.

This uplifting eight-day retreat will help you rest in the love of the Holy Trinity and delight in Their indwelling presence. Ideal for reading at home or away, Rendezvous with God is a prized resource in your quest for genuine spiritual progress. You will appreciate as never before how you were created by God out of His goodness and how much you are cherished by the Lord.

Fr. Miceli draws heavily from Scripture, the writings of the great saints and Doctors of the Church, and his own experience. Each chapter includes helpful "points for self-consideration" and suggested readings from the spiritual classics (some of them long neglected). You will be enriched by incisive meditations on the wonder of your creation, the effects of sin, the terrible reality of Hell, the profound gifts of the Incarnation and the Paschal mystery, and the immeasurable depths of God's mercy.

Fr. Miceli guides you in ordering your life to attain Heaven, showing you:

  • How to develop a desire to love God above all
  • Ways you can shun sin and conquer temptation and disorderly attachments
  • The four methods to make your mental prayer fruitful
  • How to live the three modes of humility
  • The key to making Confession a life-changing experience full of sanctifying grace
  • Proven remedies against faults and failures

Moreover, Fr. Miceli relates the importance of mental prayer to remaining faithful to Christ, explaining how to place yourself in Gospel scenes so that you can "speak to Christ with joy, with ease, with naturalness, the way the apostles did as they walked with Him, fished with Him in the Sea of Galilee, or picnicked with Him in the desert."