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Requiem: The Fraternity - Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter - CD

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Requiem: The Fraternity - Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter - CD

The Fraternity is an international community considered one of the top specialists in Gregorian Chant in the world. Be transported throughout ancient history to all regions of the world with this beautiful and unique presentation of Requiem from The Fraternity. With the exceptional art form of Gregorian chant, this recording has a mystical quality. With an ethos reflecting a time of sadness, representing that period of mourning inherent in the Requiem, this recording also simultaneously inspires a certain hope, a calmness and prayer, striking a glorious balance through the gift of poetic song. This unique recording contains twenty different tracks of sublime treasures, mostly Gregorian chant, and the album concludes with polyphonic motets striking just the right ending accent.

  1. Antiphon: Exsultábunt Dómino

  2. Tolling of the Bell

  3. Responsory: Subveníte Sancti Dei

  4. Introit: Réquiem ætérnam

  5. Kýrie eléison

  6. Gradual: Réquiem ætérnam

  7. Tract: Absólve Dómine

  8. Sequence: Dies iræ

  9. Offertory: Dómine, Jesu Christe

  10. Sanctus

  11. Agnus Dei

  12. Communion antiphon: Lux ætérna

  13. Responsory: Líbera me

  14. Antiphon: In paradísum

  15. Antiphon: Ego sum with the Canticle of Zachary

  16. Responsory: Qui Lázarum

  17. Responsory: Dómine quando véneris

  18. Responsory: Peccántem me

  19. Pie Jesu Dómine

  20. Réquiem ætérnam