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St. Therese: Doctor of the Little Way

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St. Therese: Doctor of the Little Way

by Bro. Francis M. Kalvelage, F.I.

An insightful and inspiring spirituality for our time

A compendium of insights, covering many unique facets of the latest Doctor of the Church. The 32 chapters are by a variety of outstanding authors: Fr. John Hardon, SJ, Msgr. Vernon Johnson, Sr. Marie of the Trinity, OCD, Fr. Stephane Piat, and 19 others. To mention just a few chapters: Therese's use of Scripture, Abandonment through Suffering, Mirror of the Blessed Virgin, and Mystical Simplicity. The 174-page book has over 35 illustrations.

PROD ID: SMS-ST006, 174 pp, perfect bound, illustrated.

"Thank you for the book commemorating the Doctorate of St. Therese, a beautiful means of making known in the USA and elsewhere the Theresian Message. I gave a copy to the Carmelites in Lisieux and they were very pleased with it."

- Bishop Guy Gaucher, Auxiliary Bishop of the diocese of Lisieux

You will learn from this book...

  • A lucid explanation of the doctrine of the "little way"
  • Spirituality of humility and total abandonment
  • Therese as doctor of the Church proclaimed in modern time
  • The treasure and popularity of Therese's "Autobiography"
  • Therese's spirituality compared with John of the Cross, Maximilian Kolbe, etc.