The Stations of The Cross: Dana & Fr. Kevin Scallon, C.M. - Audio CD
In making the Stations of the Cross, we accompany Jesus on His last journey to Calvary. This beautiful prayter centers on fourteen different representations, or stations. Traditionally, each Station contemplates a scene from Christ's final journey through either silent or spoken meditation and prayer. Dana and Fr. Kevin Scallon CM, through powerful word and song, offer a beautiful interpretation of this wonderful meditation on the Passion and Death of our Savior. You might also like: The Rosary (Including the Luminous Mysteries) - Dana & Fr. Kevin Scallon, CM In Memory Of Me (A Rosary To Pray For Our Priests) - Dana & Fr. Kevin Scallon, CM The Chaplet of Divine Mercy - Dana & Damien Scallon The Rosary of Guadalupe - Dana & Msgr. Chavez Mother of Mercy: A Rosary of Healing - Dana & Fr. Kevin Scallon, CM