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The Good Sinner by Elizabeth Schmeidler

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Ellie Hall is completely alone in the world. Having recently lost her grandparents, she throws caution to the wind, venturing a move to a new state and completely foreign way of life. Defense Attorney, Royce Morgan is living the good life—Success. Money. Women. The last thing he wants to deal with is a pure-heart, country bumpkin for an assistant. However, with a new high-profile capital murder case thrust upon him, he hires Ellie despite his reservations. In the ensuing days and weeks, the tension created from their clashing personalities ignites, but quickly pales in light of the tangible evil, danger, and web of deceit that swiftly entangles them. As the two work together for justice, they are shaken to the very core of their beings—where, they discover, both virtue and vice are at war. A plot-twisting page-turner of suspense, mystery, and redemption, The Good Sinner, will invoke passionate emotions and leave the reader to ponder long after the last word is devoured.


Kia Heavey
4.5 out of 5 stars 
I actually learned a lot.

Reviewed in the United States on October 2, 2013

The Good Sinner is a delightful indie find - solid romantic thriller storytelling from a positive, life-affirming point of view. May as well tell you up front, this is a lovingly pro-life bit of fiction and there is the occasional info-dump in characters' dialogue, but by no means are we talking an Ayn Rand-ian level - just a little every here and there. And it somehow works, mainly because it explains characters' motivations and emotional states. Ordinarily, it would have turned me off but not only was it relevant to character development, I actually learned a few things. I live in the northeast and personally believe most abortions are unnecessary and that they cause harm to the almost-parents, but this is a view I am not used to seeing reflected in the culture around me. However, I had no idea how distorted the public perception of the pro-life movement is--or the pro-choice movement, for that matter. For instance, I knew there was a "March for Life" every year in DC but I figured it was a few thousand ultra-religious zealots. In The Good Sinner, the characters say it's hundreds of thousands, and that it goes unreported by the biased media. I didn't believe it so I looked it up. Guess what? It was half-a-million-strong this year. And the participants don't look like wackos at all, but rather bright, healthy, loving, positive young people. Good grief! How does this NOT get reported?

There are more things to learn in the course of this story, but I will leave their discovery up to the reader. Social issues aside, The Good Sinner is a touching love story, a creepy thriller, and a well crafted redemption tale (one of my favorite genres). It was nice to see characters I cared about open their hearts and unburden themselves from the baggage we all carry. The main character, Ellie, is almost too good to be true. She describes herself as a sinner too, but we never hear what she may have done. Would have made her perhaps a little more interesting, but I loved her positive, confident personality. Also, there were a couple typos and the editing could have been a little tighter, hence only four+ stars. Not quite perfect, but who is? That's kind of the point of The Good Sinner. I definitely recommend this book!
Leena Moore
5.0 out of 5 stars 
The good the bad and the ugly.
Reviewed in the United States on November 17, 2014
The Good Sinner had the good the bad and the ugly. The amazing cast of characters were both engaging and mysterious while dealing with the ugly truth behind the "health care" provided by Planned Parenthood. A story about faith, healing and heartbreak, The Good Sinner, was a breath of fresh air from the old and tired mystery novels of make-believe crises. Elizabeth Schmeidler accurately describes the horrors of death and destruction happening daily right now right here all around the world. The agonizing and heartbreak felt by the leading man as his story unfolds is very relatable. All in all a great mystery and worth your time.
Linda H. Maloy
5.0 out of 5 stars 
The Good Sinner is a great read!
Reviewed in the United States on June 14, 2013
As an avid reader (I have been told, more than once, I "eat" books!) I can say without reservation, that this is the best book I have had the pleasure to read in quite some time. The term "page turner" has been used so much, it has almost lost all meaning other than as hype to push a book, but in this case it IS a page turner! Full of suspense, well drawn and defined characters that I wound up caring very much about, and a wonderfully Catholic point of view that there is not nearly enough of these days. It actually has a point of view! Wow! My only complaint is that I have read it. I wish I could start again, fresh, without a clue as to what is going to happen. As it is I cannot do that. All I can do is eagerly await her next novel. What a delicious anxiety it is!
5.0 out of 5 stars 
Couldn't Put it Down.
Reviewed in the United States on January 29, 2013
The author, Elizabeth Schmeidler, takes on a controversial subject with great sensitivity and manages to build a suspenseful story at the same time! After starting the book, I ignored many things I should have been doing, and finished The Good Sinner in one sitting, because I really couldn't put it down. Very well-developed characters in this story of redemption. I highly recommend it!
5.0 out of 5 stars 
Really liked this book.
Reviewed in the United States on February 2, 2014
I couldn't put this book down. I really enjoyed it and didn't want it to end. Wished the ending had stretched out longer.
5.0 out of 5 stars 
Great book!
Reviewed in the United States on November 18, 2013
The book was great. I really enjoyed reading it and felt it was so much more positive than many of today's books.
Cheryl G.
5.0 out of 5 stars 
Reviewed in the United States on January 18, 2013
A wonderful novel full of suspense and emotion. Elizabeth's books just keep getting better! I highly recommend all of them.
Alan A. Pfeifer
5.0 out of 5 stars 
The Good Sinner
Reviewed in the United States on June 20, 2013
The Good Sinner is an excellent read! I highly recommend this book. Elizabeth Schmeidler did an excellent job in writing this book and her talent is amazing!
5.0 out of 5 stars 
Pro-life, Christian story with
Reviewed in the United States on September 17, 2017
the facts that the media don't cover. When someone tries to decrease or eliminate federal financial support for such agencies (planned parenthood and abortion) they are quickly labeled as radical and anti female rights. The partial birth option is killing pure and simple. This book interweaves that message with mystery, suspense and a bit of clean romance. You will not see who the thug behind the threats until the end. Great book. Very timely.
Larry Peterson
5.0 out of 5 stars 
THE GOOD SINNER is one of those "Hidden Gems" that will keep you on on your toes from start to finish. My advice, "Just Do It"!
Reviewed in the United States on June 4, 2015
Did you ever do something and say to yourself, "Dang,why didn't I do this before. What an awesome experience?"
I had Elizabeth Schmeidler's book, THE GOOD SINNER, less than five feet from me and it stayed there for over two months. FInally, I picked it up and began to read. If it wasn't for the outside interference of a thing called "real life", I would have just sat and read this book cover to cover without stopping (except for intermittent bathroom breaks). I LOVED this book. And it sat quietly by while I ignored it. DUH on me.

Anyway, this story takes us on a journey complete with murder, mayhem, personal terrorism, politics, intrigue and betrayal all revolving around one of the great debates our time; Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice/Abortion. Interestingly, we step into the book accompanied by the protagonist, Ellie Hall (full name Matilda Eleanor Hall) a frightened, insecure young woman who is away from home on her own for the first time. Arriving in the big city of
Denver she has a job interview lined up with an attorney, Royce Morgan.The interview was secured for her by her priest friend, Father Jim.
Royce is a hard drinking, womanizing, brash and abrupt man who has just been handed a "gratis" case involving the public murder of Dr. Howard Palmer. Dr. Palmer, a high-profile abortionist and close ally of the Governor, has been stabbed to death at a public rally by an elderly gent by the name of Wendell Kaplan. Thousands of people witnessed the murder both in public and on TV. Let the games begin.

Ellie is hired and begins work for Royce. Within a few days of starting the job a a man with a ski mask is holding a knife to Ellie's throat telling her that they had "better not call the police" and that Kaplan needs to receive the death penalty. I could go on and on but then you would not have the fun I had reading this book. And I refuse to take that away from you.

Please consider my advice and read this book. The plot "bobs & weaves" and keeps you on your toes from beginning to end plus there is an unexpected bonus. The relationship that develops between Royce Morgan and his new secretary, Ellie, is unpredictable and beautifully crafted by the author. How it winds up? Find out for yourself. You won't be disappointed.
5.0 out of 5 stars 
It was really hard for me to put this book down!
Reviewed in the United States on November 2, 2015
I absolutely LOVED this book! The characters were very developed and very...HUMAN! There are some books that I have read where the characters are not well-developed and are not realistic. Each character in "The Good Sinner" had his or her own struggles and none of them was without fault. I loved the subject of the book. Even though the book is long, I read it fairly quickly. It is hard for me to read with a toddle in the house, but I made sure that I read it at every opportunity.I am really looking forward to reading the rest of Elizabeth's books! I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a mystery with a little bit of a love story thrown in :)
Sue Davenport
5.0 out of 5 stars 
An AMAZING read!
Reviewed in the United States on September 14, 2015
Wow! I just finished this wonderful book and am still reeling from all the twists and turns. This is a real page turner that I couldn't put down! Elizabeth Schmeidler is a very talented author that gets us thinking, crying and praying about such real life issues that face us today in our country. Don't wait another minute to order and read this well thought out intriguing story; you will be so very glad you did. It makes you want to stand up and take a stand instead of turning the other way as we have done for so long. Inspirational to say the very least as the author reminds us that God can use any situation for good, even when we mess up so badly. Well done.
Elizabeth Marcotte
5.0 out of 5 stars 
A wonderfully written novel centered around a timely issue.
Reviewed in the United States on June 17, 2013
I spent two nights short on sleep because I couldn't put this book down. The author's development of the characters and their personal struggles and aspirations was superb. They came to life for me as I delved deeper into the story and will stay with me for a long time. The central theme of the book-- that the violence of abortion underlies all kinds of problems in society, from the seemingly ever-increasing callousness toward human life to the brokenness of men and women who have participated in abortion or had their lives touched by it-- brings to light the truth that violence against the innocent and defenseless, whatever form it takes, leads to ever more violence and leaves countless people scarred emotionally and spiritually. Nonetheless, for the weightiness of the subject matter, the author managed to very authentically weave humor and optimism into the story. A timely and deeply touching novel centered on timeless truths.
5.0 out of 5 stars 
The Good Sinner has: Truth, Great Characters, Suspense and HOPE!
Reviewed in the United States on February 24, 2019
The Good Sinner is a beautifully written book. This story and its characters will stay with you long after reading the last words. It is a book of hope.
5.0 out of 5 stars 
Excellent thought provoking book!
Reviewed in the United States on January 23, 2013
This is an excellent crime, legal type thriller. The plot appears simplistic at first but takes many turns that shows the true complexity of life. Thoroughly entertaining suspense that also explores some important issues of today's society. No matter your opinion on issues such as political corruption, abortion, and religion, this novel presents a perspective worthy of further thought. Add a little romance, and you've got a novel that is thoroughly engaging and realistic. I look forward to reading this author's other works! Great work
5.0 out of 5 stars 
Enjoyable characters and a compelling plot.
Reviewed in the United States on February 28, 2013
This was the first book I've read by this author and now I would like to read more. The Good Sinner wove such an interesting plot line around characters you couldn't help but want to follow through to their conclusions. Elizabeth did such a nice job of interjecting humor into the dialogue, so that I would find myself chuckling out loud. I really enjoyed the way she conveyed much about the characters even by simply addressing the way in which they would look at each other so you became a part of their action of puzzling things out. An easy and enjoyable read that addresses such weighty issues of our day.
Charlotte Ostermann
5.0 out of 5 stars 
Page Turner to the End!
Reviewed in the United States on January 18, 2013
I love being surprised - one reason to devour good murder mysteries. The Good Sinner will surprise you! Both characters and plot take turns I really didn't expect, right up to the end. Mix that with a little romantic spice, a sense of humor, and characters worth caring about, and you've got a good read. I read it in one long, lazy day - couldn't put it down, hence the `lazy'! I found this right after Christmas, and still bought 12 copies to give away! I'm looking for more by this author, as she and I seem to inhabit the same world - dangerous, but not dark and despairing.
Olivia Wiesner
5.0 out of 5 stars 
A breath of fresh air for the Pro Life movement!
Reviewed in the United States on February 13, 2013
This book was such a gem to receive as a gift and once I started reading it, I couldn't put it down! It has the perfect balance of mystery and romance, blended with the truth of the Pro Life population. As a crisis pregnancy center director for 20 years, I felt this book move me on so many levels. Elizabeth did an amazing job of accurately telling it like it really is and I am so grateful to her for sharing her talent with the rest of us! May this book reach far and wide to all who need to hear the truth about the abortion industry and how very hurtful it is to millions of women and men! God bless you for writing this book and please continue to use your God-given talents to bless us with more of your inspirations! I plan to buy copies for each of my volunteers at Birthright here in Hays!
5.0 out of 5 stars 
Good job on this book!
Reviewed in the United States on April 9, 2015
Good job on this book, Elizabeth! Great story line. The title got me wondering what in the world this was about, but as I read more, I could see where it might lead. And yet, there was a lot of twisting and turning going on that made me want to keep reading after I finished the book. Thank you for writing this and I hope to read more of your work.
T. Henning
5.0 out of 5 stars 
Reviewed in the United States on July 25, 2015
Powerful and gripping book that really makes you think. Excellent, exciting and insightful. I highly recommend as it is not a story about Christians but Christs ultimate story.
Kathy Kirkeby
5.0 out of 5 stars 
The good Sinner.
Reviewed in the United States on August 11, 2013
Excellent Book. This story captured my interest from the beginning, it is very well written. It touches your makes you think, laugh and cry. The story reminds the reader that there is TRUTH and that choices have consequences. It also reminds the reader that through Repentance, there is forgiveness and healing. This book is a is one that I highly recommend. This is the first novel that I have read by Elizabeth Schmeidler, and I look forward to reading more, she is a very talented author.
Mary Wright
5.0 out of 5 stars 
Straight up great!
Reviewed in the United States on February 3, 2013
I have not read a book in years. This book ignited my passion for reading and I could not put it down! Elizabeth is truly a gifted writer and brought everything to the table on this one! It was informative and very eye opening to many current issues. Marvelously written and very entertaining. It was an easy read, yet contained a very complex story. Keep them coming girl, you are truly blessed!
5.0 out of 5 stars 
Fictional but full of truth!
Reviewed in the United States on May 24, 2013
Great read! This suspenseful novel was one I had a hard time putting down. Although, I knew the storyline was fictional, it reads like truth. From the post abortion syndrome symptoms, to the summary about Planned Parenthood I felt like I was reading non fiction. Because post abortion syndrome is real and as far as Planned Parenthood, our nation has been deceived by this organization long enough! Whether you are in the pro-life or pro-choice camp this is a must read! It will forever change your thinking on this controversial issue.
5.0 out of 5 stars 
The Good Sinner
Reviewed in the United States on May 1, 2013
I heard about the Good Sinner from a friend. It's suspenseful, and I had a hard time putting it down. I didn't want the book to end,and felt like I needed to give Ellie and Royce a big hug after all they went through. Elizabeth is such a talented author, and recommend her book to anyone wanting a book on mystery, romance, and most importantly, the issues we face with abortion. Thank You Elizabeth for the good read.
Mark Roberti
5.0 out of 5 stars 
The Good Sinner
Reviewed in the United States on February 10, 2013
The Good Sinner is an eminently enjoyable and easy read. It kept me engaged throughout. I had difficulty putting it down. What I liked most -- and found myself chuckling about often -- is that it turns the carefully orchestrated lie of the entire abortion industry on its head. In a gentle and engaging way, it exposes the many tentacles of the hidden pains of abortion and offers hope through conversion of heart.
Mark S. Roberti
New Evangelization Director, Diocese of Salina
5.0 out of 5 stars 
Awesome Book!!
Reviewed in the United States on July 30, 2013
I don't often get (or take) the time to read for leisure, I mostly read textbooks! This is an amazing story that kept me in suspense and wanting to continue reading. Elizabeth writes with such description that I felt I knew these characters from the start. She also has a fabulous ability to throw in just the right amount of humor to keep the book from getting stale. Thanks Elizabeth! Keep them coming!!
Nancy Befort
5.0 out of 5 stars 
Must Read!
Reviewed in the United States on January 27, 2013
I loved this book! I started reading this book one evening and hated to go to bed that night because I didn't want to put it down. Elizabeth, (author) developed the characters so well it made you feel like you were living the story with them. I hope she writes another one soon, I am ready for another great read.
O. T.
5.0 out of 5 stars 
Reviewed in the United States on May 16, 2015
Amazing read! Offers a new insight on the issue of abortion.
5.0 out of 5 stars 
Fast-paced, easy read.
Reviewed in Canada on December 14, 2013
Very accurate portrayal of the abortion question. Great read. Interesting and believable characters. Would recommend this book to others no matter your political opinion on abortion.