The author of this book was the favorite writer of St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Vincent de Paul, etc. St. Teresa of Avila credited this book with having converted over a million people in her time. This is the most persuasive book we know to encourage people to abandon sin and embrace repentance and virtue. The logic is relentless and effective. For mastery of subject, command of Scripture and total impact on the reader, no book surpasses The Sinner's Guide! Impr. 395 pgs, PB
About the Author
The Venerable Louis of Granada was born at Granada, Spain to poor descent in 1505. When he was nineteen, he became a Dominican for the convent of Santa Cruz, and subsequently served quite successfully as a preacher for forty years. He was a holy, learned, and wise man who published various works on Scripture, ethics, dogma, and Church history throughout his lifetime. His famous Sinner's Guide was originally published in 1555, and is now regarded as a spiritual classic. Also the author of The Book of Prayer and Meditation, he lived to be eighty-four years old. Louis died on the thirty-first of December, 1588, at Portugal.