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Blessed Be Pain!

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Lessons on Sickness and Suffering from St Josemaría Escrivá

Don’t complain if you suffer. It is the prized and valued stone that is polished. Does it hurt? Allow yourself to be cut, gratefully, because God has taken you in his hands as if you were a diamond. An ordinary pebble is not worked on like that. ~ St Josemaría Escrivá

For St Josemaría Escrivá, the founder of Opus Dei, suffering and sickness are sources of grace and strength for Christians and their work. His affirmation, “Blessed be pain” may surprise many, but it reveals his vision of the Cross—and by extension, all crosses—as the place where all sufferings may be united to those of Christ. In this way, all who suffer may become co-redeemers with Christ.

Reading this book will be a spiritual help to those who are sick or suffering in any way—which is to say, to all—because all mankind encounters sickness and suffering in life. “Man,” says Job,” is born to trouble as the sparks fly upward.“

May all who read this book find themselves drawn ever closer to Christ.