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Pretty Good Catholic: How to find, date, and marry someone who shares your faith

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Pretty Good Catholic: How to find, date, and marry someone who shares your faith

Why in the world is it so hard to find a decent person to date? Are there any good Catholic guys out there? Where can I find a beautiful girl who shares my faith?

Rachel Hoover, a veteran of the bewildering Catholic dating scene, has had her share of heartache, horror stories, and ho-hum dates. Her sharp-witted new book is about where to find the "good ones," date without desperation, and discover true love:

  • Where to find a pretty, good Catholic
  • Why you should “default to yes” and just get know people
  • How to open your mind without lowering your standards
  • How to get outside your comfort zone and meet "eligibles" in unexpected places
  • How to quit online dating and start online meeting
  • When to ditch digital platforms in favor of in-person events
  • Why it's okay to go to parish events (even Bible studies) looking for love
  • How to escape the annoying friendzone in Catholic circles
  • How to stop deluding yourself about male-female "friendlationships"
  • Why to stop conducting "spouse interviews" and instead date normally
  • How to date without going too fast or too slow
  • How to know if you're even ready to date at all (or when to take a break and work on your own issues)
  • How to think about dating non-Catholics. Should you "flirt to convert"?
  • How to consider dating a Catholic from another "tribe" (Can a rad-trad marry a charismatic?)
  • How to avoid "Sudden Vocational Discernment Syndrome" and stop flip-flopping between marriage and religious life
  • How far is too far? Or, how to be physically affectionate without having to go to Confession afterwards. 
  • How to know when you're the problem (and how to deal with your own woundedness)
  • How to hope in God, even in the loneliest, darkest, most dejected state of singleness
  • Why relationships are sometimes essential for true inner healing
  • How to survive long-distance relationships
  • How to navigate smothering "no-distance" relationships
  • How to prioritize your own growth in holiness while dating
  • How to know when you've found "the one" and make a peaceful decision
  • How to have a happy, healthy, and short engagement

After Rachel graduated from college, she watched her friends get married while she suffered through some tough breakups. That got her thinking deeply about the whole Catholic dating situation, which (as you probably know) has its own set of quirks and challenges. Trying to be proactive, she started a Catholic singles group in the Diocese of Nashville, interviewed people from CatholicMatch, and consulted a range of experts. After writing several viral articles on Catholic dating, she wrote Pretty Good Catholic, which serves as a how-to guide for even the most discouraged single Catholics. Finally, a realistic guide to dating without losing your mind--or your faith.

Read more about Pretty Good Catholic


“An urgent guide for the bewildered would-be betrothed. Every amorously inclined Catholic should read this book.”
Michael Knowles, The Daily Wire

“Witty, honest, and thorough… Pretty Good Catholic is a comprehensive ‘bible’ for dating that will transform your dating life into the glory that God intends for you. I wish I had this book when I was single; I would have had less anxiety and more real, joyful fun!”
Cristina Pineda, professional matchmaker

“It’s high time someone was truly forthcoming about the difficulty of Catholic dating! Rachel is open enough to tell her own story, and brave enough to offer counter-cultural advice that can actually help. Every one of us knows someone who will benefit from this timely and insightful book!”
Jennifer Baugh, Founder of Young Catholic Professionals

“The Church is in dire need of strong Catholic marriages, but the modern dating landscape is filled with challenges and discouragement. Pretty Good Catholic offers a fresh approach to dating, with real-world advice for your own dating journey, or to support your loved ones in the search for a holy relationship.”
Mary Farrington, Co-founder of Catholic Gigs

“Shockingly relatable. I think every young Catholic should read this before college, during, and after! This is the real stuff you need to know to navigate dating in today’s culture.”
~Chloe Quigley, newlywed Catholic social media manager